Tolulope Oguntomi, CRNP-PMH, is licensed in Maryland and specializes in ADHD, Alcohol Use, Alzheimer’s, Anger Management, Antisocial Personality, Anxiety, Behavioral Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality, Chronic Impulsivity, Chronic Pain,, Chronic Relapse, Codependency, Coping Skills, Depression, Emotional Disturbance, Family Conflict, Impulse Control Disorders, Life Transitions, Medication Management, Obesity, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Oppositional Defiance, Peer Relationships, Pregnancy/Prenatal/Postpartum, Relationship Issues, School Issues, Self-Harming, Self-Esteem, Sleep or Insomnia, Sports Performance, Stress, Suicidal Ideation, Testing and Evaluation, Transgender, Trauma and PTSD, Mood/Personality Disorders, Psychosis, and Other Issues.
In addition to having extensive education, training, and more than two decades of experience in nursing, Tolulope is a DMV-bred native! She is passionate about utilizing a holistic approach to managing mental health care. She strives to maintain a person-centered foundation based in listening to patient thoughts and concerns while working to meeting their needs through researched and evidence-based methods. She works especially with children, teens, and adults seeking professional mental health care management and pharmacotherapy. Her goal is to always develop integrated treatment plans that includes a collaborative-based approach to care and is tailored to the needs of the individual to expedite recovery.