View Emsculpt Neo video here 


The EMSCULPT NEO® is a fat burning and muscle building device that helps trim, strengthen, define, lift and tone your body. Treatments only take 30 minutes, are non-invasive and there is no down time.


In clinical studies, the EMSCULPT NEO® study participants reported, on average, 30% fat reduction and 25% muscle growth.


EMSCULPT NEO® is FDA-cleared to treat the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs; Inner, Outer, Front, Back
  • Arms
  • Calves

Finally you can help you achieve your dream body and improve your muscle tone without spending hours at the gym!

The EMSCULPT NEO® also enhances:

  • Movement
  • Balance
  • Physical strength
  • Skin integrity

The EMSCULPT NEO® can also help your overall health status as it burns two kinds of fat!

Research indicates that the high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy found in The EMSCULPT NEO® reduces both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the harmless fat you can see. On average, clinical studies on EMSCULPT NEO® show a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat! Visceral fat lies deeper within and wraps around your organs, potentially contributing to health problems. Research indicates that EMSCULPT NEO® reduces 14% of visceral fat!


View Emtone Video Here

The EMTONE® is from the makers of EMSCULPT NEO® and can also help you smooth away cellulite and other textural concerns without surgery or downtime. EMTONE® is the first non-invasive treatment to combine radiofrequency (RF) energy and targeted pressure energy to reveal smoother, healthier-looking skin without invasive measures or downtime!

4 Weekly 30 Minute Treatments
  4 Weekly Treatments on one LARGE body part……………$3500
Abdominals, Glutes, Front of the Thigh, Back of the Thigh

  4 Weekly Treatments on one SMALL body part…………..$2500
 Calves, Biceps, Triceps, Inner Thigh, Outer thigh


4 Weekly 8-20 Minute Treatments
4 Weekly Treatments on one large body part………….……..$1600
Abdominals, Glutes, Lower Glutes + Upper Back of the Thigh, Front of the Thigh/Knees, Back of the Thigh

4 Weekly Treatments on one small body part………………..$1200
 Love Handles/Flanks, Upper Arms, Inner Thigh


 Emsculpt Neo + Emtone Initial Treatment Plan Package Savings
8 Sessions …………Save $1000
12 Sessions ………..Save  $2000
16 Sessions ………..Save  $3000
20 Sessions…………Save  $4000



Butt lift Package ……….$6600 ($2000 savings)
Time Commitment : 1h and 30 min once a week for 1 month
4 Emsculpt Neo Glutes
4 Emscupt Neo Back of the Thigh
4 Emtone Lower Glutes + Back of the Upper Thigh

Sculpted Stomach Package……………….$4100 ($1000 Savings)
  Time Commitment : 1h once a week for 1 month
   4 Emsculpt Neo Abdominal Sessions
4 Emtone Abdominal Sessions

Tight Thighs Package……………..$10200 ($5000 Savings)
   Time Commitment : 3h once a week for 1 month
  4 Emsculpt Neo Front Thighs
4 Emsculpt Neo Back Thighs
4 Emsculpt Neo Inner Thigh
4 Emsculpt Neo Outer Thigh
4 Emtone Inner + Back of the Thigh
4 Emtone Outer + Front of the Thigh/Knees

Toned Arms Package………………….$4200 ($2000 Savings)
Time Commitment: 1 h 30 min one a week for 1 month
4 Emsculpt Neo Biceps
4 Emsculpt Neo Triceps
4 Emtone Upper Arms



One Session /Month……………..$350/Monthly
$4,200 Membership Price ($7500-$10,500 Normally)

Two Sessions /Month………………$700/Monthly
$7,200 Membership Price ($15,000-$21,000 Monthly)


Contact us at 703-552-2722 or patientcoordinator@washncgroup.com for more information or

Schedule A Free 30 min EMSCULPT NEO or EMTONE Consult Here

Maryland View
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Fax: 703-564-8567

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