Millions of children and adults suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); a condition that causes one to become distracted easily or lose focus often. This can create stress every day in relationships, school, work, and even when performing daily routine tasks. Evaluating for ADHD will help our mental health team decide on a course of action for treatment.
The initial evaluation will determine if you or a loved one is a good candidate for testing. Once this is concluded, our psychologist for psychological testing will conduct tests that measure cognitive, executive, and social-emotional functioning with interviews, questionnaires, and rating scales. This assessment can take 4-6 hours, although in some cases even more comprehensive testing may be necessary to help diagnose the presence of ADHD. We also offer a 30 minute – 1 hour assessment which may be covered by your insurance plan. This assessment also may be required by our psychiatrists if you are on ADHD medication.
Interviews with family, friends, and/or co-workers close to the client will also be conducted and the results of the whole test will be reviewed in a detailed report at a follow-up meeting with the patient. Our testing psychologist will then outline treatment that can include many different aspects of mental health therapy from mental health counseling sessions to medication.
ADHD Testing………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$3000.00
ADHD Assessment (30 min – 1 hour)………………………………………………………………………..$500.00
(covered by most major insurance companies)
We Service Your Neighborhood:
Washington Nutrition & Counseling Group has happy customers providing affordable and convenient ADHD Testing Services near me in most Washington DC communities, including Alexandria VA, Bethesda MD, and Ashburn VA. CALL US at 703-552-2722 to make an Appointment NOW!