Nutrition Testing with our  STYKU BODY SCAN Technician & Metabolism Technician is at our Alexandria Office Location Mondays through Fridays. Weight Loss Evaluations are every Monday and Wednesday with Christine Haas MS LDN. You can purchase and schedule nutrition testing on the calendars below. 


STYKU Body Scan……………………………………………..……………………….……..$100
The STYKU Body Scan provides DEXA-quality body composition with medical-grade accuracy and consistency. Results are emailed. Does not include dietitian nutrition consult.

Schedule a STYKU Body SCAN

METABOLISM TESTING ……………………………..……………………………….$100
Metabolism test performed w/Metabolism Tech. Results are emailed. Does not include dietitian nutrition consult.


STYKU Body Scan + Metabolism Testing performed with Metabolism Tech. Results are emailed. Does not include dietitian nutrition consult.


STYKU BODY SCAN + METABOLISM TESTING + 15 min. WEIGHT LOSS EVALUATION with dietitian nutritionist + 3 follow - up visits …………………………$350
In-person visit with dietitian nutritionist to explain Metabolism Testing and STYKU Body Scan results, and help you chose the best weight loss option for you. Initial Appointment Includes STYKU Body Scan, Metabolism Test & hydration test with our Metabolism Technician. 15 Minute Nutrition Consult with our licensed dietitian nutritionist + 3 weekly follow-up visits which include a weight, body fat and hydration assessment.

Schedule a STYKU BODY SCAN + METABOLISM TESTING + 15 min. WEIGHT LOSS EVALUATION with dietitian nutritionist + 3 follow - up visits

Weekly Weight Loss Follow-ups with dietitian nutritionist (after the first initial month) …………………………$200/monthly
Includes 4 x 15 minute nutrition consults (this could vary depending on how many weeks are in the month) with one of our licensed dietitian nutritionists which include a weight, body fat, and hydration assessment. A STYKU BODY SCAN & Metabolism Test is complimentary after every 3 consecutive months; limited to 3 STYKU Body Scans a year. Visits can be scheduled by contacting us at 703-552-2722 or

Initial Body Contouring Consultation…………$100

We offer a variety of different body contouring treatments including the Emsculpt Neo, Exilis Ultra 360, Emtone, Trusculpt Flex and the Trusculpt ID. To find the best treatment for you, we recommend a consultation. If you choose to purchase a treatment, you will have time for 1 treatment during this 1 hour visit.

This service requires a $100 payment upon booking.
This amount will be applied to any treatment/package.

Schedule a Body Contouring Consultation