Eden is a healthcare provider certified in both Psychiatric Mental Health and Family Nurse Practitioner professions. She is very interested in holistic healthcare and believes that body, mind, and spirit all work together to improve one’s overall health.

Eden has a Bachelor’s of Nursing from Shenandoah University, a Masters in Family Nurse Practitioner from Samuel Merritt University, and a Masters in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner from Walden University. As a nurse and a healthcare provider, Eden has worked in different settings and demographics, including pediatric and geriatric populations, which has given her a multitude of experience in delivering comprehensive care. Eden believes in open communication, honesty, and accountability with her clients and is empowered to break the stigma towards mental health/healthcare in our community.

When it comes to what Eden believes is the best recipe for success and upward movement in mental health, she values a holistic and well-rounded approach, such as educating, guiding, and assisting patients within her expertise. As a prescriber, Eden strongly believes and values both medication and psychotherapy working in collaboration for the best mental healthcare of clients. She constantly seeks the best-evidenced care guidelines and implements them in care providence.

Eden enjoys being outside in nature, hiking, water sports, and playing with nieces and nephews, which are her favorite leisure activities.